Signature: Jiawu sui mo Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this at the end of the Jiawu year (2014)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:甲午歲末李華弌筆(左下) 鈐印:李華弌印(左下)、獨成弌格(右下)...
Signature: Jiawu sui mo Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this at the end of the Jiawu year (2014)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:甲午歲末李華弌筆(左下) 鈐印:李華弌印(左下)、獨成弌格(右下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco 創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品