Signature: Jimao nian mo Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this at the end of the Jimao year (1999)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:己卯年末李華弌筆 (左下)...
Signature: Jimao nian mo Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this at the end of the Jimao year (1999)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:己卯年末李華弌筆 (左下) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)、絕出華章獨成弌格 (右下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco 創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the United States, 6 February – 9 May 2004 「李華弌的銘誌山水」,舊金山亞洲藝術博物館,美國三藩市,2004年2月6日至5月9日
Knight, Michael J.
The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi.
Francisco: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 2004, p99