- Layered Landscape 《層崖遠眺》, 1993
- Spring Landscape with White Trees 《堅壁空靈》, 1993
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Trees on Mountain Top 《絕嶺生綠》, 1993-1995
- Landscape 《山水》, 1993-1995
- Plateaus in Light and Dark 《幽壑明滅》, 1994
- Red Trees and Wrinkled Cliffs 《懸崖秋樹》, 1994
- Landscape with Myriad Textures 《曠原無盡》, 1995
- Rocks Face with Windswept Pines 《雲壑松風》, 1995
- Golden Mist in a Mountain Gorge 《金霧銷峽》, 1995
- Two Trees at the Mouth of the Valley 《幽谷雙雄》, 1996
- Solitary Pine and Flowing Water 《雲溪孤松》, 1996
- Heroic Mountain Rising Against the Light 《聳岳耀光》, 1996
- Landscape 《山水》, 1996
- Ensemble for Stone 《山石和鳴》, 1997
- Rock Returned to Landscape 1 《奇石特立》, 1997
- Rock Returned to Landscape: 2 《靈石傲世》, 1997
- Treasures of the Mountain 《峰巒藏秀》, 1997
- Landscape 《山水》, 1997
- Landscape 《山水》, 1997
- Deep Valley 《水雲間》, 1997
- Snowy Mountain 《關山融雪圖》, 1997
- Landscape in the Mist 《微雨芳草岸》, 1997-1998
- Landscape《山水》, 1997-1998
- Landscape with Tree 《山上樹,山下樹》, 1998
- Ancient Harmonies 《山川古韻》, 1998
- Rondo《昊濛迴旋》, 1998
- Rising Valley《幽谷雲生》, 1998
- Song of Pines and Falling Water《泉聲松籟》, 1999
- The Silence of Pines on Remote Peaks《崇岳寂松》, 1999
- Landscape 1999《山水 1999》, 1999
- Voice of the Water《空谷泉聲》, 1999
- Echo《絕壁回音》, 1999
- Marchmont with Troubadors《峭壁蒼虬》, 1999
- Landscape《山水》, 1999
- Listening to Clouds 《幽壑聽雲》, 1999
- River Dance 《河舞》, 1999
- Wilderness Performance《野演》, 1999
- Cloudy Peaks at Dawn in Spring《春曉雲峰》, 1999
- Landscape《山水》, 1999