Signature: Jichou nian mengxia ni Songrenbiyi Li Huayi xie (Li Huayi painted this, in Song manner, at the start of summer in the Jichou year (2009)) with one seal of...
Signature: Jichou nian mengxia ni Songrenbiyi Li Huayi xie (Li Huayi painted this, in Song manner, at the start of summer in the Jichou year (2009)) with one seal of the artist (lower right) 款識:己丑年孟夏拟宋人筆意李華弌寫 (右下) 鈐印:李華弌 (右下) Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco 創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Trees, Rocks, Mist and Mountains by Li
Huayi, organised by Eskenzai Gallery, The Ukrainian Institute, New York, the
United States, 25 March – 3 April 2010