Signature: Dinghai nian chu Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this in the beginning of the Dinghai year (2007)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:丁亥年初 李華弌筆(左下)...
Signature: Dinghai nian chu Li Huayi bi (Li Huayi painted this in the beginning of the Dinghai year (2007)) (lower left) and with two seals of the artist 款識:丁亥年初 李華弌筆(左下) 鈐印:李華弌(左下)、絕出華章獨成弌格(右下)
Fung, Edward. Li Huayi, Landscapes From A Master’s Heart. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2018, p103
Poon, Yiu Ming & Kwai, Catherine. Aphorisms on Life. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Monthly and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2016, p53