Spring Landscape with White Trees 《堅壁空靈》, 1993
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Contemporary Landscapes: Li Huayi, Honolulu Museum of Art, Hawaii, the United States, 24 August 2019 – 5 January 2020
Images of the Mind: The Ink Painting of Li Huayi, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China, 14 April – 24 April 2011
Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection, presented by The Ink Society, HKIAAF 08, Hong Kong, China, 4 October – 7 October 2008
The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the United States, 6 February – 9 May 2004
The Landscapes of Li Huayi, Kaikodo, New York, the United States, 19 May – 7 June 1997
Rogers, Mary Ann. "Exhibition Review—Contemporary Landscape: Li Huayi." Orientations, Volume 50, Number 6, November/December 2019, pp. 127-130.Publications
Eichman, Shawn. Contemporary Landscapes: Li Huayi. Hawaii: The Honolulu Museum of Art, 2019, p34
Fung, Edward. Li Huayi, Landscapes From A Master’s Heart. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2018, pp32-33
Poon, Yiu Ming & Kwai, Catherine. Aphorisms on Life. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Monthly and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2016, p199
Eskenazi, Daniel M. Waterfalls, Rocks and Bamboo by Li Huayi. London: Eskenazi, 2014, p23 & p33
Weng, Ling and Shen, Kuiyi. Exhibitions Catalogue for Images of the Mind: The Ink Painting of Li Huayi & Beyond Representation: Li Huayi’s New Art. Hong Kong: Beijing Center for the Arts Publishing House, 2011, p61
Maudsley, Catherine. Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection. Hong Kong: The Ink Society, 2008, p15
Knight, Michael J. The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi. San Francisco: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 2004, pp62-63
Christensen, Thomas. treAsures (Member’s Magazine). San Francisco: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, Winter 2004, p6
The Landscapes of Li Huayi. Hong Kong: Kaikodo, 1997, p37
Li Huayi Landscape Paintings (1993-95). Hong Kong: Wu’s Studio, Artlink, 1996, plate 2
肖恩 ‧ 艾希曼:《當代山水:李華弌》,夏威夷:檀香山藝術博物館,2019年,第34頁
馮戈:《李華弌: 心寬山水遠》,米蘭:Rizzoli國際出版社、季豐美術出版社,2018年,第32-33頁
翁菱、沈揆一:《心印: 李華弌藝術展》及《象外: 李華弌新作展》展覽圖錄,香港:北京天安時間當代藝術出版社,2011年,第61頁
Thomas Christensen:《珍寶—會員季刊》,三藩市:舊金山亞洲藝術博物館,2004年冬季版,第6頁