Deep Valley 《水雲間》, 1997
Ink and colour on paper
133 x 66cm
Signed in Chinese: Li Huayi and with one seal of the artist (lower left)
款識:李華弌 (左下) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
款識:李華弌 (左下) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Signed in Chinese: Li Huayi and with one seal of the artist (lower left)
款識:李華弌 (左下) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
款識:李華弌 (左下) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection, presented by The Ink Society, HKIAAF 08, Hong Kong, China, 4 October – 7 October 2008
Passion of Collecting, University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 15 December 1999 – 20 February 2000
Maudsley, Catherine. Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection. Hong Kong: The Ink Society, 2008, p13
Yeung, Chun-tong, Wong, Anita and Maudsley, Catherine. Passion of Collecting. Hong Kong: University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong, 1999, pp218-219