Landscape with Tree 《山上樹,山下樹》, 1998
款識:李華弌 (左) 鈐印:李華弌 (左下)、小戊子 (左上)、李華 (右下)
Location of creation: Executed in San Francisco
創作地點: 於三藩市完成作品
Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection, presented by The Ink Society, HKIAAF 08, Hong Kong, China, 4 October – 7 October 2008
The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi, Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, the United States, 6 February – 9 May 2004
Fung, Edward. Li Huayi, Landscapes From A Master’s Heart. Milan: Rizzoli International Publications Inc. and Kwai Fung Art Publishing House, 2018, p51
Maudsley, Catherine. Li Huayi at 60: Paintings in the Yiqingzhai Collection. Hong Kong: The Ink Society, 2008, p23
Knight, Michael J. The Monumental Landscapes of Li Huayi. San Francisco: Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, 2004, pp80-81
馮戈:《李華弌: 心寬山水遠》,米蘭:Rizzoli國際出版社、季豐美術出版社,2018年,第51頁